Comments from Before the 20th Reunion
Thank you for visiting the Berkeley High Class of '77 Web Site.
We would love it if you would add
to the guestbook we are keeping! You may need to RELOAD
this page to see recent comments. The comments are listed with
the most recent first.
Don't forget to visit the main BHS
Class of 1977 web page.
Hey! cool to see all the familiar names!Short 20
year synopsis stayed in Berkeley played music, recorded lots of
albums (mostly jazz)..I'm getting my own out finally on Verve/Antilles
records. Look forward to seeing everybody tomorrow! I'll bring
my green suede platform shoes....not!
will bernard <bognata@lanminds.com>
Berkeley, USA - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 21:30:26 (PDT)
Renita Rhone <rdwilli
Located us through a search engine
USA - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 09:24:18 (PDT)
Wishes to all going this weekend... although I am unable to be
there, I have enjoyed catching up people and plan to call upon
some of you when I do make my next visit home - and home it will
always be... Berkeley is a special place - one we can feel lucky
and proud to have experienced at that moment in its history and
as part our personal life journies. This weekend is for celebrating
our pasts, friends and those high school experiences captured
as vivid memories - things which conrtibute in many ways to who
we are today. Enjoy the time together and the opportunity to reflect.
Eric Arndt <earndt@iie.org>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 13:45:17 (PDT)
We've been out 20 years already? Wow, how time
flies. Anyway, I recently injured my back and, as a result, I
will not be at the 20th reunion. I had planned to be there and
am very disappointed I won't make it now. Twenty year old "hellos"
to any BHS friends that still remember me! If anyone wants to
get in touch, my home phone number is 303 499-6717. The rest of
my family is still in the Berkeley area and I usually visit about
once a year. I guess I should mention that I'm still single (but
in a long term relationship) and am employed as a biochemical
engineer working on biofuels production at the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. Jim
James D. McMillan <jm1277@aol.com>
Located us through a friend
Boulder, CO USA - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 12:54:32 (PDT)
PT. RICHMOND, CA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 08:53:29
How sad to see the "In Memory"
site. A big dose of mortality, yes? Just found your site tonight,
was unaware of the reunion. Countess Williams told me about it
ont he telephone tonight. I have to fly down to LA on Thursday,
and hope to have dinner with her and catch up. Don't think I will
be able to attend the reunion at such late notice, but it was
very nice to read everyone else's virtual commments in the guest
book. Sounds as though many of you have not left the bay area.
I love to travel, but always enjoy coming home. Even with all
the changes (the traffic!!!), we still enjoy stunning vistas,
weather, food and adventure. Enjoy the reunion!
Kirsten E. Weisser <kirsten @wellsfargo.com>
Located us through a friend
Oakland, CA USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 21:37:10 (PDT)
Name the play for Spring Production? --- What
did I say to bring down the house? Name the character in the play?
For the sevty-seven questions.
Dennis Adam Brown <(510)
Located us through a friend
Berkeley, CA USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 08:15:45 (PDT)
John - Thats great stuff! Where/how did you
come up with it! I'm impressed! You've either got a great source
or a great memory! Thanks for bringing back some fond memories!
James Reeves
USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 17:54:32 (PDT)
to everyone reading. Just thought I would check in as well. Is
it me or does anyone else have 20 year old images of the email
authors? These people are in their late 30's, but I'm picturing
them at 18! Of course this could be a good thing, or a bad thing.
So, to update you on my image... my hair is rapidly thinning,
my nose is bigger (why is that?), and what I thought were real
cool oblique muscles turned out to be fat love handles that keep
shaking when I run. Becky Chambers' eariler email gave me an idea,
so I started snooping a bit. Here are some facts half way through
senior year, on Jan. 28, 1977: The Dow Jones opened at 954.54.....A
new Toyota pickup was $3,488.....A Datsun 280Z was going for $7,450.....A
4 bdrm house in the Thousand Oaks area was selling for $85,000;
a BIG house in the Claremont Hills was 175,000..... Movies: Playing
at the California, The Enforcer; at the UA 4 was King Kong; at
the Oaks Theater was Rocky.....In the music stores: Earth, Wind,
& Fire - Spirit; Boston - Boston; The Jacksons - The Jacksons;
Loggins & Messina - The Best of Friends. Of course there's
lots of stuff to add about TV, sport, world news, etc. but this
is getting long. Finally, here's something maybe others can add
to about BHS: Favorite Class: Mr. Houck's CA History Favorite
Teacher: John Martinez - by a long shot Most Useful Class 20 Years
Later: Typing!! (PC's, who knew?) Best Memory: Too many to list!
(yeah I know..sappy) See you on the 18th.
John Gaebler <jgaeb@ns.net>
Roseville, CA USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 22:29:55 (PDT)
Has anyone heard from Lesa Pear-Taylor? Yikes!
This is getting close and I'm commited! Haven't been back to the
Bay Area since graduating early in '77. Have the yearbook out
though and are "totaly" if I can remember a '70's phrase
looking forward to it. Sure wish I had put a regular pic in the
yearbook too. But..ah..hindsight..and anyway. Alan Odom are you
the one with the curly light brown/blonde hair and the big smile?
Heidi, Barb, Maggie, and Gordy see you soon. Wendy? did you live
on Eureka or a hill and bake those wonderful apple pies? Love,
*~) Lor
Lori (Hackett) Dekker <kezlor@reefnet.com>
Key Largo, FL USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 18:53:35 (PDT)
Who????? made up all of those names mentioned
by Matt Watson? Matt, Jeff Houston, and John Laetsch were the
quick minds behind some of these mostly benign creations. I'm
not sure many people will recognize all of them--any clues?. In
fact, I've never heard of Chimney, Peli, Kagdog, and Snappy (or
were you just making those up to fill-in a few lines?). And, wasn't
Magnet Back a generic name for a fish? Any additional names? We'll
be thinking of you in Emeryville from this dusty part of I-80.
Hope everyone has a a good time. Keep the BHS spirit alive!
Larry Becker (aka Peck) <beckerl@platte.unk.edu>
Kearney, NE USA? - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 13:36:23 (PDT)
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the
reunion. Does anyone remember me??? I just got married last month
(for the first and only time) and I am a Deputy District Attorney
in Lake County (where???) CA. Hope to see eveyone there. -Susan
Susan Krones-Williams <krones@zapcom.net>
Located us through a search engine
Lakeport, CA USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 22:17:06 (PDT)
It's been fun talking with many folks as a result
of this upcoming event and reading the comments in this "guest
book". As a result, one of my favorite things has been remembering
nicknames. You know who you are; woof ticket, peck, ghost, peli,
wacky ways, mad bomber, manly, jethro bodine, bats in the belfry,
chimney, snappy, kagdog, magnet back, the 3 stooges,.. I bet I
hear more on the 18th.
Matt Watson <jmwatson@us.ibm.com>
Located us through a friend
Morgan Hill, CA USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 17:44:09
I am getting so excited about this reunion!
The committee has been working hard on planning & preparing.
Looking forward to seeing all of you! James Reeves, the web site
is AWESOME!! Thanks to you & the rest of our committee team
on all the work! P.S.James, I hung out quite a bit in the park
tooooo! WOW! Erin Donahue, we'll make sure that the song you requested
is played! Kent McQue....a trip to see your name! You gave me
my 1st kiss...Longfellow, on the stairs??! See y'all.
willa barber-johnson <willa.barber-johnson@schwab.com>
Located us through a friend
richmond, ca USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 14:51:49 (PDT)
This message was just forwarded to me from a
friend -- apropos, considering the reunion next week. Remember,
I'm posting to make you :-)) -- not incite a flame war! Here it
is: "Feeling old? If not, consider this: People starting
college this fall were born in 1980; They have no recollection
of the Reagan era; Black Monday 1987 (incidentally, the same year
as our 10-year reunion -- sorry! -- just trying to get a :-))!)
is as meaningful to them as the Great Depression; They have no
memory of a time before M-TV; They were prepubescent when the
Persian Gulf War was waged; Their world always has included AIDS;
and finally, ... drumroll please ... Having not lived through
the Disco Scare, they can't possibly romanticize the '70s."
:-)) yet? Edited for brevity. If you're masochistic and want the
FULL text, e-mail me.
Becky Chambers
USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 08:39:39 (PDT)
anybody know what happened to John Day or John Sazuki? How about
Kathy Trowbridge? Hey Heidi...great to hear from you and see you
on the 18th!!
Alan B. Odom <sulawesi1@aol.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Point Richmond, CA USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 07:25:11
Thanks to everyone for the feedback on
the site... I've really had a blast doing it. I have had the chance
to get to know a lot of people through email that I never got
to know in High School ... I was too preoccupied with other less
productive activities - mainly in the park across the street :-)
... Even if you knew me in high school I doubt you'd recognize
me now! I'm hoping that after the reunion people can return to
this web sight and leave a few stories for others who may have
not had a chance to attend. I'll be posting some pictures from
the evening and picnic also so that you can have that "Virual
Reunion"...thanks again to everyone for making this web site
real! Soon I'll be posting the names of those that have paid attendance
... watch for it!
James Reeves <jreeves@aimnet.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 20:12:30 (PDT)
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Beverly Hills, CA USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 09:10:57
Hi y'all!!! This is cool, yes? Let's do
the Timewarp!!! I am having a fab time emailing Steve Lindsey,
so if there anymore of you class of '78-ers out there, don't be
STRANGERS!! (But you can continue to be strange..) I am wondering
if there are any other S of the Arters out there...particularly
any IFD-ers left!!! I am dancing again--Yonit Levy has a class
in ElCerrito on Wednesdays and I drive the 90 miles from Sacramento
every week. I know, I'm a fanatic. Oh, well. Love to hear from
anyone. Looking for Suki Stern (Steve said she was married...),
Alison Lara, Bob Naumann, and gosh...probably lots more I spaced
out. Can't make it to the reunion, though. :(( Later!!
Kjer Eastham (LaForce) <kjdancer9@aol.com>
Located us through a search engine
Fair Oaks, ca USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 23:48:57 (PDT)
For those of you that are sending your RSVP's
by way of electronic mail, please be sure to give a selection
of Prime Rib, Chicken Florentine or Vegetarian for your meal selection.
I am getting in a lot with no meal choice. Ditto for the mail
RSVP's. Thanks!!
Kathy Holland Askew <symmetry.3000.com/KRPickens>
Hayward, CA USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 19:45:55 (PDT)
just checking in again befor the actual event. Does anybody know
if there will be many attendees from the School of the Atrs or
MSA? Just wondering who's going to show up. Erin- I know just
what you mean about pants with the crotch at the knees, sometimes
I can't even imagine what is holding these kids pants up! Though
I have to say I can remember wearing pants that were soo tight
I could barely zip them up. From one extreme to another? I'm living
in Oakland with my partner and our dog (a weimaraner), Berkeley
these days has gotten just a little too P.C. for me, but I love
living in the Rockridge district in Oakland- the quintessential
"Urban Village". Looking forward to seeing everyone
at the reunion. Just like at the prom, my "date" will
be Laura Gorton West. Yeah, we still get together, though not
as often and things somehow don't usually come with the high sense
of the dramatic that they always seemed to have when we were young
and naive. Hope we have a great turnout. Eric
Eric Warren <taupehound@att.net>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Oakland, CA USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 18:45:42 (PDT)
am now teaching at Cal.State University, Monterey Bay and living
in Marina (near Monterey)
Steven Levinson <steven@monterey.edu>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Monterey, CA USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 17:11:01 (PDT)
Briar - don't crash Grizzly and Shasta - I heard
their folks aren't out of town after all. Try us in Emeryville,
instead - we can do the bumb and brick house and funkify if you're
still a young man, "baby" "ohhhohhhh". Larry
Becker - Nebraska is not too far away. I wish you were coming.
You know how I know it's been 20 years? I hate pants with the
crotches hanging down to the knees, and none of them want to work
that hard, and piercing the tongue looks masochistic. See, I sound
old. But I've got the same spirit. I'm married, no children, have
2 german shepherd dogs who are smarter than some of my friends
and we are doing search and rescue work with them. I still am
constantly on a spiritual path, meditate, live one day at a time,
love poetry and dancing . . . and the best news of all - all the
donahues are turning out great - marrying great partners and having
little ones. I feel quite blessed. Will be great to see everyone.
Erin Donahue <erindonahu@aol.com>
USA - Sunday, October 05, 1997 at 20:29:06 (PDT)
been gone 2 months; excited about our reunion. Thanks to all the
yellow jacket workers for pulling this together. I want to dance
to Stephanie Mills' "Never Knew Love Like This Before,"
Donahue <erindonahu@aol.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Oakland, CA USA - Sunday, October 05, 1997 at 20:09:52 (PDT)
all the comments below, I just had to jump in one last time! I
see a number of familiar names -- Barbie Ruskin, and also Heidi
Farwell, who checked in all the way from Kauai (Barbie and Heidi,
remember partying on that Kauai beach in '77 with Eric Rymland?
I don't blame you for going back, Heidi!) I also see Tim McElheney
and Kent McCue: Hello to my former Buena Vista Way neighbors!
... Though I won't be attending the reunion, I've been having
a grand old time reuniting online with a few of you BHSers --
Julian Henkin, Simone Otus (I just got your baby announcement
for Tench Mahmut Coxe -- congrats, girl!), Jennifer Cobb, Larry
Becker, and John Laetsch. I hope we all stay in touch; in the
meantime, don't let that old married man Chris Casimere slouch
off on attending (Mindy, will you make sure of it for me?), and
may you all have a rip-roaring, hide-the-silverware, won't-see-nothing-like-it-'til-our-50th-reunion
party! I absolutely plan on being there for that one. I'll be
the one with the white hair turning up the volume on the Ohio
Players (what a thought). Warmest regards, Becky Chambers. P.S.
Since others are so immodestly plugging their sites ... if any
of you are into industrial pollution control (yawn, I know), check
out my new "Water Focus" column at www.pollutioneng.com.
Rebecca Chambers Vick <chambers_vick@compuserve.com>
Located us through an Email message
Munster, IN USA - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 13:34:32 (PDT)
RICHMOND, CA USA - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 22:47:18 (PDT)
In response to Heidi, Michelle Myles was married
exactly one year ago (according to her sister, Simone) and lives
with husband in Walnut Creek. I think his last name is "Queen".
I gave my phone # to Simone and asked her to pass it on to Michelle
but haven't heard from her. She is still singing acapella with
LaReeva, Simone and their father! That's all I know for now!
Mindy Scharlin <MScharlin@aol.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 13:08:36 (PDT)
Located us through a postcard in the mail
OAKLAND, CA USA - Sunday, September 28, 1997 at 17:56:36 (PDT)
Hi, Everyone! Looking forward to seeing you-all
on the 18th & 19th. I never thought I would be enthusiastic
about my high school reunion. I completely missed the 10 year
one, but I'm psyched about year 20. Thanks to the committee member
for putting this together. It'll be great! I'm still on the radio,
though I just gave up my early morning show on KPFA, I'm on 91.7
KALW San Francisco Saturday Afternoons as the announce on duty
("stay tuned for all things considered") and my little
folk music show, "A Patchwork Quilt" at 4pm. And you
know what they say to us artistic types (musicians, actors, public
radio dj's), "Don't Give Up Your Day Job". I'm 15 years
at Cody's Books, now opening a new store on trendy 4th Street,
where I'll be taking books out of boxes and putting them on shelves
in time for the grand opening in November. I'll see you-all later!
Love, Kevin
Vance <KVance6453@aol.com>
Located us through an Email message
Berkeley, CA USA - Friday, September 26, 1997 at 20:04:02 (PDT)
I'm gettng really excited about this reunion!
Can't wait to see everyone. It seems like one evening and a picnic
will hardly be enough time to catch up with everyone! Does anyone
know where Alan Odom is? How about Michelle Myles? See you all
very soon.
Heidi Scholl (Farwell) <scholl@aloha.net>
Located us through a friend
Kauai, Hi. USA - Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 13:32:03 (PDT)
I am disappointed that I can not attend the
reunion. It looks fun and this site is wonderful!
Susan Thompson Geiduschek <sgeidu@chmc.org>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Seattle, Wa USA - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 17:05:16 (PDT)
As a committee member who frequents this web
site, I am a little concerned that many of you who have said you
are coming to the reunion have net yet sent in you reg.fee. PLEASE
do so ASAP so we can plan appropriately. It is going to be a GREAT,
FUN even this year, not one you will want to miss! We are all
really looking forward to seeing everyone on Oct. 18th!
Mindy Scharlin <Mscharlin@aol.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 10:42:16 (PDT)
Concert Chorale People: I recently joined a
choir here in NY and the director knows Larry Barker quite well.
I may not have as full story as others, but apparently Larry is
now in San Antonio working with the Music department at the University
of Texas. I would be interested in hearing from former Chorale
members to find out if you're still in Music and how Chorale shaped
your experiences. Eric
Eric Arndt <earndt@iie.org>
NY, NY USA - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 07:36:23 (PDT)
I'm sorry that I didn't submit a senior picture to the yearbook
in 1977.
Liz Abuan Pollack <liz@tfs.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Berkeley, CA USA - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 14:33:28 (PDT)
So where are the rest of the Soccer Team? Steve
Chew I hear your putting out fires in Oaktown.Is your arm O.K
after that break in El Cerrito? I was hopping that we could get
a 20 year remathch with Harry Ells for the championship! As you
can see I still love Soccer , I run the Youth soccer leauge in
North Lake Tahoe For 500 kids. Unfortunatly I blew my knee out
this summer in an adult league in Truckee (Jerry Rice injury).I
hope to Be able to dance and play at the picnic,I'll bring the
soccer ball. Bring your kids I would love to kick the ball with
them! Big thanks to James and the committee!
George Tsaconas <tsaconas@sierra.net>
Crystal Bay, NV USA - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 09:44:39
USA - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 09:16:47 (PDT)
Mindy for tracking me down. Love the web page!
Cecily Caceu (Batey) <ccaceu@mwblaw.com>
Located us through a friend
Oakland, CA USA - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 07:47:09 (PDT)
Hey everybody out there! Even though I split
a year early my class is '77. I hope to see a lot of old friends
at the reunion.
Kent McCue
Located us through an Email message
Walnut Creet, CA USA - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 13:41:21
Dennis Brown
George Tsaconas <tsaconas@sierra.net>
Located us through a friend
Crystal Bay, NV USA - Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 19:56:21
It's nice to see the names of old friends
and acquaintances. For the moment, I'm out of the centers of action
(Nebraska) and will be unable to attend the reunion. Thanks for
establishing a virtual version. Are any of you out there? -- Robert
Brown, Quincy Woodson, Ralph Fong, Erin Donahue, Ricky Nishita,
Mark Robinson, Clarence Jackson, Oscar Bradley, Sasha Peters....?
Larry Becker <beckerl@platte.unk.edu>
USA - Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 15:51:15 (PDT)
to the organizers of this. Looking forward to a groovy time! Or
is that backwards?
Warren Seward <seaward@ix.netcom.com>
Located us through a friend
El Cerrito, CA USA - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 01:08:13
Please let the reunion people know that
I was NOT in the class of 77, but the class of 78! Thank you.
Andres Fernandez <2233
Marin Ave.>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Berkeley, CA USA 94707 - Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 10:35:33 (PDT)
Has it really been 20 years? Rip Van Winkle
wouldn't have missed a thing. How wonderful to hear from all you
beautiful people. I'll be in Italy during the month of October,
but I wanted to let you know that I'm still here. Hi to Eric Arndt
and Mark Williams. Has anyone kept in touch with Jim McKinney?
Much love and laughter on the 20th reunion.
Chris Decker <deckerc@fbm.com>
Located us through surfing the web
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, August 28, 1997 at 12:55:06
Looking forward to seeing everyone and
hearing all that funky music!!
Nick Gibbens <ngibbens@trinitycapital.com>
Located us through a friend
San Rafael, CA USA - Wednesday, August 27, 1997 at 11:39:40 (PDT)
I agree that the price of the event ticket is
steep for some and the committee discussed quite a bit. But, that's
why we included the potluck picnic so those that couldn't come
to Sat. event could come Sun. That's what happens when you sponsor
an event like this and don't have much seed money Sorry.
Sunshine Michelle Coleman Lambright <lbright@dnai.com>
Oakland, CA USA - Tuesday, August 26, 1997 at 22:02:37 (PDT)
Jeff Goshay <goshay@pacbell.net>
Kentfield, CA USA - Monday, August 25, 1997 at 20:36:51 (PDT)
Todd Gray <tghomes@earthlink.net>
Located us through a friend
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, August 24, 1997 at 19:36:16 (PDT)
Hi Nice Idea... Is this Ellen? friends with
Pammy, Tricia, & Alex? I'm looking into traveling to the renunion.
I was the one with long hair and (oh alot of us had long hair
didn't we...lol). Well hope to see you and great site!!!
Lori (Hackett) Dekker <Kezlor@reefnet.com>
Key Largo, FL USA - Thursday, August 21, 1997 at 17:52:22 (PDT)
I am looking forward to the reunion. I am excited
about seeing old friends and re-acquainting ourselves!
Renita D. Rhone-Williams <RDWILLI@unistudios.com>
Located us through a search engine
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, August 19, 1997 at 14:45:14 (PDT)
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone after
20 years! Check out this site "A Net Source". It is
a site reviewing the best sites on the web. Also there is a Mall
for your shopping convenience.
Stephen Blodgett
Berkeley, CA USA - Monday, August 18, 1997 at 19:09:30 (PDT)
am class of 1978, but I heard about the site, and wanted to see
who had written in.
Nancy (Briar) Backman <backmnc@Texaco.com>
Located us through an Email message
Kirkland, WA USA - Monday, August 18, 1997 at 09:39:15 (PDT)
Tadashi Nakadegawa <tadashin@ousd.k12.ca.us>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Oakland, CA USA - Monday, August 18, 1997 at 08:44:26 (PDT)
BHS Reunion T-Shirts are coming! Check out the T-Shirt design
and ordering information on the T-Shirt page... BHS
Class of 77 T-Shirts
James Reeves
Saratoga, CA USA - Saturday, August 16, 1997 at 23:29:05 (PDT)
pretty scary..looking forward to it, and is
it true that the reunion is going to held at Senior and Grizzly
Keith Briar <briar@ibm.net>
Located us through a friend
San Francisco, ca USA - Wednesday, August 13, 1997 at 17:50:43
Wow, man. I think I missed MY reunion.
What happened to 1996? I can't believe it's been .... 21 years!
Cheers to all and for those who remember ... The Road.
Dave Lesher <dave.lesher@latimes.com>
Located us through a friend
Sacramento, Ca USA - Monday, August 11, 1997 at 13:13:43 (PDT)
Great job pulling all of this together, folks.
I look forward to October.
Steve Wollenberg <scw@fastline.com>
Located us through a friend
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, August 11, 1997 at 11:03:41 (PDT)
Isn't this Great! Thanks to all who are doing
the work putting this together. Hey I am still in Berkeley. Email
me. I hope the $100 price tag does not deter anyone from attending.
Rick Sweeney <rsweeney@ricochet.net>
Located us through an Email message
Berkeley, ca USA - Monday, August 11, 1997 at 00:24:37 (PDT)
again. Just got my invitation to the party in the mail, and I
wanted to coment about the price. I personally don't have a problem
with it, since I currently have a good job, but I worry about
some of our peers who might not be doing so well. This would exclude
them based on income, and it doesn't seem fair. I understand that
it costs a lot to put on something like this, so I was wondering
if there would be some way to make allowances. Whaddaya think,
organization committee?
Rachel Davis <krevis@value.net>
Located us through an Email message
Walnut Creek, CA USA - Sunday, August 10, 1997 at 12:10:27 (PDT)
Thank you James for creating this web site.
It is incredible to think that we graduated 20 years ago. I look
forward to catching up on the lives of many high school friends
with whom I have lost touch. Yes, my married name is the same
as my maiden name, just spelled differently!
Ann Wolff (formerly Wolfe) <awoff@worldnet.att.net>
Mountain View, CA USA - Thursday, August 07, 1997 at 17:20:41
Hey guys ... I'm not from you rclass,
school, city or state but I am organizing our Class O' 77 reunion
here in Austin, TX. Got any good ideas? We are planning a 70 fashion
show and awards. I think this site is great. Good luck! And "Oh
Thank Heaven for the Class of '77"! (Hey, it was the 70s
... what do you expect?)
James Salas
Located us through a search engine
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, August 07, 1997 at 16:34:03 (PDT)
has only been five years since the last one, right? Time flies
with work, kids and other family matters and you don't remember
that it has been 20 YEARS! since high school. This a great website
to check out. I'm seeing names that I have not seen in a long
time. I have talked with Chris Comfort and he is planning to come
to the reunion. Does anyone know the whereabouts of one Oscar
Bradley ?
Tim McElheney <TimCarol@unlimited.net>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Elk Grove, Ca USA - Thursday, August 07, 1997 at 09:41:22 (PDT)
Brad Allen <brad.allen@hboc.com>
Located us through an Email message
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, August 05, 1997 at 10:45:50 (PDT)
This is really too cool. I can't believe it
has been 20 years already! I dont feel (eek!) almost 40... Ellen,
James - great to hear that you're still around! I will be at the
reunion - wouldn't miss it for the world, so will Heidi, trying
to convince the guys it would be fun... but not being BHS grads...
Look forward to seeing all of you in October!
Margaret Keith Mentakis <mentakis@ix.netcom.com>
Located us through a friend
Elk Grove, CA USA - Friday, July 25, 1997 at 13:46:10 (PDT)
USA - Friday, July 25, 1997 at 03:45:11 (PDT)
Yellowjackets... Glad I finally took my old pal Dennis Brown's
advice and visited this website... Any other alums barking up
the writing/filmmaking/theatre/comics/interactive, etc., &
et al. trees? Maybe we should form some kinda arts caucus and
help each other along... (I actually got a theatre piece out of
our 10 yr. reunion, which I workshopped down here in L.A. -- these
reunion things are *redolent*!)... Expatriated down here for awhile,
married & parenting and missing the north -- which I don't
get to visit often enough... Looking forward to our double--decade
rendezvous! Cheers...
Mark Williams <cwilliam@ucla.edu>
Located us through a friend
Studio City, CA USA - Thursday, July 24, 1997 at 14:37:53 (PDT)
Just wanted to let folks know that I have been
in touch with Russell Barnett, Scott Hansen, Karen San Martin,
Alison (Dundes) Renteln and Paul Renteln. They will spread the
"reunion word" to those they keep in contact with. I
also "saw" Marilyn Adamson and the mother of Jason Winett,
but unfortunately I wasn't able to make contact with either of
them. Guess that is what happens when one doesn't leave Berkeley!
Mindy Scharlin <Mscharlin@aol.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Wednesday, July 23, 1997 at 21:28:28 (PDT)
James, thanks lots for taking the initiative
to create such a sight that so many are enjoying. Looks great!
I'm an active committee member and am plugged into the details.
Expecting a great turnout and events (including picnic). Everyone
help spread the word and ensure the reunion success. It will take
us all to create that success. Look forward to seeing many of
you in October. For those of you who can't make it stay in touch
and you can order t-shirts, memories books and still be included.
Enjoy your day!!
Sunshine Michelle Coleman Lambright <lbright@dnai.com>
USA - Friday, July 18, 1997 at 18:25:43 (PDT)
can't believe that it has been 20 years... Looking forward to
the reunion in October. Until then I'll be working hard on the
Daphne Moore <dmoore0514@aol.com>
Oakland, ca USA - Tuesday, July 15, 1997 at 11:30:59 (PDT)
just read all the comments for the first time. This is really
a great idea, I am so proud of James for producing it.(James is
my husband) I look forward to the reunion, I don't think we have
changed too much, it will be interesting to see what other people
think. Barbie,if you ever see Margaret, Gordy or Heidi please
say 'hi' for us.
Ellen (Degnan) Reeves <emreeves@aol.com>
Located us through my husband :-)
Saratoga, CA USA - Monday, July 14, 1997 at 22:04:22 (PDT)
ran into j. cobb in NYC, we traded E-mail addresses, and she forwarded
this website address to me. What a blast from the past to see
so many familiar names! Hope I can make it to the reunion in October!
I'll spread the word to my other class of '77 friends. Thanks
so much to all who have contributed to organizing this site and
the parties to come!
Barbara Ruskin <baruskin@aol.com>
Located us through an Email message
New York, NY USA - Monday, July 14, 1997 at 19:02:13 (PDT)
there, another stow-away fromthe class of "78 just wanted
to say hi to any of my "older" pals, from class of "77.
anyone from the school of the arts out there.
Steve Linsley
Located us through a search engine
West Hollywood, ca USA - Friday, July 11, 1997 at 12:16:45 (PDT)
Thanks for having a web site to make future
connections with old classmates.
Robert Lewis <rlewis@sirius.com>
Located us through an Email message
El Cerrito, CA USA - Thursday, July 10, 1997 at 22:33:54 (PDT)
Jennifer Cobb <jcobb@taconic.net>
Located us through a friend
Chatham, NY USA - Tuesday, July 08, 1997 at 11:44:44 (PDT)
Things have changed since 1977!!! Wow, Jonathon Lowell, how the
heck are you??? I know where Jim Dougherty is but not George Dougherty.
Hope to hear from more folks before October!
Mindy Scharlin <Mscharlin@aol.com>
Located us through a friend
Berkeley, CA USA - Monday, July 07, 1997 at 21:38:50 (PDT)
I was looking at our yearbook today- sure doesn't seem like that
was twenty years ago! I remember us as having really wild hair
and fashions, but to me today we look like normal kids. Of course
our jeans were tight, not baggy like today, but hey, fashions
change. I'm welcome to hearing from others who were at BHS in
the seventies, at the time I couldn't wait to get out, but looking
back now, twenty years later, they were some pretty good times.
As they say "youth is wasted on the young". To Steve
from Australia: yes, I know the whereabouts of both Charles McNeal
and Laura Gorton now Laura West. If you wish to contact them,
please e-mail me, as I don't have e-mail addresses for them to
give you. Eric Warren
Eric Warren <taupehound@worldnet.att.net>
USA - Monday, July 07, 1997 at 21:19:19 (PDT)
Eric Warren <taupehound@worldnet.att.net>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Oakland, Ca USA - Monday, July 07, 1997 at 12:50:39 (PDT)
fellow BHSers! Looking forward to the reunion! I'm not in the
yearbook since I graduated in Jan 77, but I just looked through
it and remember a lot of the faces!
Rachel Davis <krevis@value.net>
Located us through an Email message
Walnut Creek, CA USA - Sunday, July 06, 1997 at 10:46:10 (PDT)
20 years already, Don't YOU ALL feel sooooo
young!!!!! Can't wait to see all of you at the reunion. If anyone
is into Health and Nutrition, please check out my website. It
is www.symmetry.3000.com/KRPickens
(a little plug there: *))
Kathy Holland <ICURICH2@aol.com>
Located us through an Email message
Hayward, CA USA - Thursday, July 03, 1997 at 23:03:22 (PDT)
all! Looking forward to getting together in October. I just attended
a 20th reunion of Miramonte High School in Orinda -- it made me
quite homesick for Berkeley and pleased that I attended BHS!
Jonathan Lowell <jplowell@earthlink.net>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, July 03, 1997 at 16:06:27 (PDT)
There's lots of people I'd love to hear from
-- Terri, Dominique, Susan & Susan, Giovanna, Jenny, Virginia,
Simone, Nancy, Eric -- you know who you are! Hope all's great
in wonderful Berkeley. I miss it, but I'm enjoying life in the
Windy City, with friends, family, and two kids, Calvin and Natalie.
Becky Chambers <chambers_vick@compuserve.com>
Located us through an Email message
munster, IN USA - Thursday, July 03, 1997 at 09:23:22 (PDT)
class of '75, actually, but I see there are a few other non-'77
folks here so I guess I'm eligible. Love to see some of us from'74,
'75, '76 post, too. A L S O : If enough of you from any of these
classes have AOL addresses, maybe we can set up a chatroom now
and then, and have some virtual mini-reunions. AOL isn't good
for much, but that's one thing we could take advantage of. Anyway,
if you DO have an AOL address or know of a classmate who does,
please post it here. Or feel free to email me. It would be fun
to be reminded of some of those old familiar (and unfamiliar)
Michael Grossman <mjgnyc@aol.com>
Located us through a search engine
New York, NY USA - Monday, June 30, 1997 at 16:42:59 (PDT)
to all my old compatriots who may happen to see this. Send some
e-mail and let's begin our reunion early. I am still in touch
with many of the old friends.
Anthony Hill <pflumio@pacbell.net>
Located us through the phone hot line
Berkeley, CA USA - Sunday, June 29, 1997 at 18:13:29 (PDT)
is a nice site! Interesting hearing from you Lyndelle, we go all
the way back to Jefferson and Longfellow. Say, where is Michael
USA - Wednesday, June 25, 1997 at 19:47:08 (PDT)
wondering what has happened to all of my fellow "Yellow Jacket"
Lyndelle McCullough
CA USA - Friday, June 13, 1997 at 13:11:33 (PDT)
going into BHS next year as a freshman and I am interested in
all that it has to offer. Please send me info on how to get into
honors math classes if I took pre-algebra in 8th grade.
Owen Gould <owenman@hotmail.com>
Located us through a search engine
Berkeley, CA USA - Friday, June 13, 1997 at 12:42:14 (PDT)
living in New York City after spending years traveling the planet.
Australia was my most recent home. If you're ever in NYC let me
know. Eric
Eric Arndt <earndt@iie.org>
Located us through a friend
New York, NY USA - Thursday, June 12, 1997 at 12:40:32 (PDT)
for doing this.
Eric Arndt <earndt@iie.org>
Located us through a friend
New York, NY USA - Thursday, June 12, 1997 at 12:23:32 (PDT)
not too many people are writing comments in the guest book so
I thought I would! If you have any interesting stories about how
you found out about the reunion you should post them here. I hope
you enjoy the web site and the reunion!
James Reeves
Located us through a friend
Saratoga, CA USA - Tuesday, June 10, 1997 at 23:48:39 (PDT)
actually I'm an imposter. I'm from the great class of '78. But
I'm now teaching science at BHS, and would like to offer a tour
of campus to any folks returning for the renuion. We opened the
completely remodeled G building last year, and are opening the
new H building this summer. Lots has changed since we were students.
I'm also working on the BHS web page, and we are trying to create
an online alumni database. If any of you have CGI experience and
would like to help with this project, please drop me an email.
Good luck with your reunion. Let me know if a group wants a tour
(we'll only hit you up lightly for contributions!!) Lee Trampleasure
Lee Trampleasure
Berkeley, CA USA - Saturday, June 07, 1997 at 23:50:04 (PDT)
trying to find something to do
ms USA - Monday, May 26, 1997 at 10:59:16 (PDT)
a great idea, a twenty year reunion. I am definitely interested.
I will tell anyone I can. Since I have lived on the East Coast
(NYC) for the past twenty years I have really lost touch. I am
in the yearbook, and would love to hear from anyone from anyone
that attended BHS at that time. Ian K. Fisher
Ian K. Fisher <ianfisher@aurora.liunet.edu>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Monday, May 12, 1997 at 07:45:03 (PDT)
forward to the 20 year reunion
James Reeves <jreeves@aimnet.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Friday, May 09, 1997 at 08:02:43 (PDT)
Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found
at Matt's Script Archive