Comments from
After the 25th Reunion
Thank you for visiting the Berkeley High Class of '77 Web Site.
We would love it if you would add
to the guestbook we are keeping! You may need to RELOAD
this page to see recent comments. The comments are listed with the most recent first.
Don't forget to visit the main BHS Class of 1977 web page.
Always wistful, sobering, but usually sweet to visit the BHS 77 message board -- sobering, certainly,
to learn news about the passing of classmates -- Suki's cancer, Paul's suicide -- and thinking of being
about half the way towards home plate (the Giants are doing well, let's use a baseball metaphor) at this
point in life... My partially Bay Area-set "Danger Boy" books are coming back out next year froma new
publisher, where the series will also be continued
(more at www.dangerboy.com for the truly curious), had one
marriage come and go, and my primary blessings are my own two "danger boys," ages 9 & 4.
And I never get back to the Bay Area often enough, given how I miss it.
A couple other pieces of business here, by request from Dennis Brown, the original Happy Man (apologies to Greg Kihn): He wants me to let
everyone know he can be digitally contacted by text message, by going to www.arch.com and entering this
number: 510 345 0336. You can then fire away up to a couple hundred words, if you want to say howdy.
Also, Dennis is promulgating the idea of a combined '76 - '77 - '78 class reunion next time out, a couple/three years down the road...
(by which time we sure as hell better have someone else in the White House!)
happy trails, all...
Mark Williams <scribe@dangerboy.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - September 9, 2003
Just saw this site after missing the 20th and 25th. It is great to see all the names and read the comments of people who were so much a part of my Berkeley experience. Can anyone help me find Larry Becker or Jeff Goshay. I always tell my daughters( 13,8,4)how great it was to go to highschool at the time we did and where we did.
Bruno(Barney) Rocca <brunorocca@vivaldistudio.com>
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Milan, Italy - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at 10:13:03 (EDT)
This is a wonderful site. Thanks to all who took the time to put it together as well as those who submitted comments. I discovered this site by chance in my efforts to find out if there will be a 25th class reunion for the class of 1978. Does anyone know anything about this?
I was known as Suzy Neyhart at BHS, though Natalie has always been my real name. I am now Natalie LaBerge. I live in Tacoma, WA. I'm married and have two sons ages 11 and 6. Life is good!
I'd love to hear from anyone who remembers me!
Suzy Neyhart <nlaberge@riverstonellc.org>
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Tacoma, WA USA - Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 12:58:14 (EDT)
I was technically in the class of 78, but most of my friends were in your class, in School of the Arts.
I'm still in Berkeley, doing web site search consulting and happy as a clam. My 12-year-old son is at
Longfellow and planning to go to BHS in two years! My personal site is at http://www.avirr.com
I'm sure some of you remember Pavel Curtis, I'm still in touch with him. He's had a great time playing
with computers, become a real star in the multi-user-dimension field, started a web conferencing company
and just sold it to Microsoft. I don't know how much longer it will stay up, but his bio is at http://main.placeware.com/about_us/founders.cfm
Avi (King) Rappoport <netsa @ avirr.com>
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Berkeley, ca USA - Thursday, July 31, 2003 at 21:37:05 (EDT)
I attended Berkeley schools until 8th grade (Willard Jr High was a jungle) then my family thankfully sent me to a small private school. When I see the pictues of porn skag Nina Hartley (text editied) its pretty amazing that people can be so accepting on one level but not on another.
USA - Friday, July 11, 2003 at 02:06:37 (EDT)
john <waziricbn2001@yahoo,com>
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usa, oakand USA - Monday, July 07, 2003 at 11:41:55 (EDT)
This site is really fun! And it's growing by leaps and bounds! Everytime I look at it
there are new contributors. There is something reassuring about visiting the past,
hearing from old friends. On the other hand, I have to ask myself (and the rest of you
out there): do you really think you're going to have anything in common with people
you knew when you were teenagers? Most of us have evolved into different human beings.
I look at pictures and entries from people here, and I just see a bunch of middle-aged
people I happened to be stuck in the same school with, 25 years ago. I don't have much in
common with these aging strangers. I have kept in touch with select individuals,
and the rest ... I wish them the best of luck, but couldn't really care less about
seeing them again. I'm sorry if I sound negative.
Kolya Renne <kolyanbogie@yahoo.com>
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Arlington, TX USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at 19:07:50 (EDT)
i dey
mugu <maga@mugu.com>
lome, USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 08:27:12 (EDT)
Kolya Renne <kolyanbogie@yahoo.com>
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Arlington, TX USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 10:03:32 (EDT)
I just came across a story about Paul Alarab, who died last month in a fall from the Golden Gate Bridge.
Here is a link to the article. Paul
was a friend of mine in high school and I remember playing guitar with him various times at his house on the hill down to Tilden.
James Reeves <BHS_1977@jreeves.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Saturday, April 19, 2003 at 10:02:40 (EDT)
Suki died last year in May, after living with Breast Cancer for eight years. There was never a memorial service for her in the Bay Area. Her brothers, Nick and Eric Stern, are
organizing one to be held on May 31, 2003, noon - 4pm, site to be announced later.
Eric and Nick are also looking for pictures and remembrances of her, for a memorial booklet. They were looking for these items to be sent to them by April 1st, which is next
week. I know this is extremely short notice. If anyone would like to attend the service and/or has photos or memories of Suki that they would like to share, they can email
Eric (who was called Arthur in high school) at estern @ rceb.org or to Nick at yelsub99 @ yahoo.com.
thanks for your help,
M. Julie Sherman <
USA - Friday, March 28, 2003 at 23:21:08 (EST)
Of course I left BHS in the middle of my Junior year (the first time the equvalency test was offered. If memory serves, Bruce
Welton jumped ship at the same time - Anyone heard from him?)Then I didn't get into Cal until 1982, so pretty much lost contact a
lot of people. Since 2000 I've been Bird and Small Mammal Keeper at the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco, Texas - Capybaras, Patagonian
Cavies, Von der Decken's Hornbills, King Vultures, Collie's Magpie Jays, etc. (My wife works with large dangerous stuff - Rhinos,
Lions, Giraffes... We met at the Fort Worth Zoo where I worked in the bird department and meddled in the aquarium for seven years).
Great to see what's been going on with Stacey Starkweather, Wei Huey, and William Kumai. Hope Zerda is much better!
Best Wishes to All.
Josef Lindholm <Nattymash@Juno.com>
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Waco, TX USA - Friday, March 07, 2003 at 00:17:11 (EST)
Mary F. Shavies-Rolan <rsfm6@aol.com / rsfm6@hotmail.com>
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Vista, CA USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 10:58:37 (EST)
This message is for JOHN LAETSCH. I bought a copy of Hells Angels by H. Thompson at half price books in Albany. It had your name on it and I could not resist looking your name up. This seemed the best place to make this little comment. I live down the street from a little bar where you can still see The Real Deal most any day. Drop a line sometime. A chance connection in The Old Void... Erik D
erik <carldinkesq@hotmail.com>
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ca USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 12:03:00 (EST)
I am trying to contact an old American friend who lived in Spain before graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Berkeley, I think in 77. She was Diana Cohen. Can anyone help please?
patzi davis haslimann <patzi@haslimanntaylor.com>
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Lichfield, Staffs UK - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 16:53:24 (EDT)
Had a great time at the 25th reunion! Saw a bunch of people that I
knew from the old days. It's good to hear what you guys are doing, and
what you have been doing for the past 25 years.
Charles Bucher
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 01:12:25 (EDT)
Hi .. I saw your website and thought I would drop you a line. My name
is Mike, the lead singer for We are a classic rock/funk dance band based
in San Jose, but willing to travel anywhere in Nor Cal. We have been
together for over 2 yrs and have played all over the Bay Area. We play a
wide variety of great dance tunes from the 60\'s,70\'s,80\'s and 90\'s.
Tunes like Mustang Sally, Brown Eyed Girl, Sweet Home Alabama, Brick
House, Celebration and many more. We are the perfect band for a class
reunion. Check out our website at www.n2lband.com. Give us a call or drop
us an email, our rates are very reasonable.
Thanks: Mike (408.227.0688)
Mike <never2lateband@yahoo.com>
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San Jose, Ca USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 17:37:40 (EDT)
Sorry to have missed yet another reunion! No excuses for #30! Loved
all the pictures, y'all look like grown-ups now! Quick note to Dennis
Brown's top 40 list. Graduation song, "How time flies" By George Benson,
not the O'Jays (just ask songbird Lynda, "Hi Lynda!")Plus it could not
possibly be the class of '77 without the elements....Earth, Wind and FIRE
(can I get an Amen out there!) You all look great, happy and healthy and
I wish you the best.............kim
Kim Burgess Duckett <kducket1@bellsouth.net>
GA USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 15:34:33 (EDT)
The reunion was great!!!!! I am so happy that I was able to join you
all. It was so good to see everyone again. Thanks to the reunion
committee for putting it all together. I'm looking forward to the 30th
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 18:59:56 (EDT)
Well I've
made a few changes to the Guestbook
so I thought I'd better write a
comment myself to test it :-)
I want to say thanks to everyone for
thanking me for my work on
the website. It is nice to hear that this site
has become so helpful
to people in reconnecting with old friends. I enjoy
keeping up
the site which keeps me connected with everyone as well. Its a
fun hobby and knowing that its helping the BHS community is a
real bonus!
Thanks again. I personally had a really good time
at the reunion. It felt
a little less pressured than the last
for me, I think everyone as they
mature are taking life a little
slower and more relaxed. Its really
strange to think of those
days sitting on "The Steps" and
wasting away the days
(at least for me) ... it wasn't until a few years
after high school
that it really hit me to get my act together and
growup. Now with
my oldest, the same age as I was when I met Ellen, I am
so happy
to see that he is interested in school and adapting so much
than I did at the time. I also want to thank the other reunion
committee members for all their hard work and time put into the
arrangements: believe me, its not easy to organize and plan all
details and make sure it all comes together. I had very little
to do with
that part of the reunion and the committee really deserves
a lot of
credit. I had a great time catching up with old friends
and looking
forward to the next one!
James Reeves <class77@jreeves.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 14:08:15 (EDT)
Thanks to you all, committee and classmates, for
the 25th reunion events such a success, including those of you
that couldn't come but signed the virtual guest book (thanks to
I've been involved in planning all 3 and feel this was
one of the best.
Thanks to all who came from near and far (William
Kumai won the farthest
from Japan!). Whether you're single, married
once or multiple times, have
a whole tribe of kids or none at
all, are grandparents (or even greats?),
successful entrepreneurs,
or doing the same ol thing ... we love you all.
The diversity
and pioneer times we grew up with in Berkeley are
treasures. Keep
the momentum moving ... keep in touch with each other,
each other, and keep being EXACTLY who you are! We all make a
postive difference in the world!!! See you next time!
Michelle Coleman <smcoleman2000@aol.com>
Oakland, CA USA - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 19:11:22 (EDT)
It was great to see so many familiar faces again - best
to all for the next 5 years - I am looking forward to the
Eric Arndt <arndt_eric@hotmail.com>
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Berkeley, CA USA - Friday, August 23,
2002 at 11:27:33 (EDT)
Dear Friends, At this point in
history and in my life, the
reunion reconnected me to the gratitude I
feel for my "Berkeley"
experiences. I wish my children could
attend a high school in
which everyone "goes through it
together." Thanks to
all who worked to keep us all
Lisa Hill <lhill@unr.nevada.edu>
NV USA - Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 23:50:26 (EDT)
Greetings! The 25th reunion was great! The next morning, my
wife asked
me (jokingly) whether I spoke with any old girlfriends
from high school.
Well, no girlfriends in high school...that was
not part of my high school
experience :( but I told her I did
see some great people from my past -
Michael Poe and his lovely
wife, you are still quite the gentleman; Larry
Becker, still humble
as ever, we all can learn a bit of humility from
you; Matt Watson
and Marie Parker, what a handsome couple!; Storrie
Kliot, it took
a few minutes but I do remember you and your sister, it
was great
talking to you; Alan Odom, still got that million dollar smile;
Anthony Hill, the original Mr. Nice Guy; William Kumai, smart
as ever;
Connie Lim, a person who always had a smile or a kind
word for everyone;
Michelle Coleman, where did you get so much
charm?; Mitzi Hartman, thanks
for reminding us how special it
was, and is, to be part of the Berkeley
experience, where acceptance,
not just tolerance, of diversity is the
norm; Wanda La Protti,
still as pretty as I remembered; Jon Taylor, my
best friend in
high school and still one of the most INTERESTING people I
Thanks to everyone for making the night a special one and I hope
see you all again 5 years from now. I am sorry I had to miss
the picnic.
I am sure that was fun as well. Take care, Wei Huey
Wei Huey
PIEDMONT, CA USA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 15:35:13 (EDT)
Sorry I missed the reunion. would be happy to hear how you
all are. am living with my husband in the oakland hills. i work
as a
theatrical producer and manage a small theatre in san franscisco
sylvia kratins <smkratins@earthlink.net>
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oakland, ca USA - Tuesday,
August 20, 2002 at 17:03:05 (EDT)
Wow! What a great
time--both Friday night and at the picnic
on Sunday. A great big thank
you to the committee who worked so
hard to make it happen! Andrea
Andrea Pappas
Santa Clara, CA USA - Monday, August 19, 2002
at 13:34:10 (EDT)
Scripts and
Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found
at Matt's Script Archive