Comments from Before the 25th Reunion
Thank you for visiting the Berkeley High Class of '77 Web Site.
We would love it if you would add
to the guestbook we are keeping! You may need to RELOAD
this page to see recent comments. The comments are listed with
the most recent first.
Don't forget to visit the main BHS
Class of 1977 web page.
Hi, all-- I likewise had been assuming -- for about five
years! -- that I was going to make this reuniuon, but a confluence
of various life crises, and the need to stay in L.A. for a job
(of the temporary sort, being showbiz connected) that starts early
in the Monday A.M., have conspired to keep me here, in a town
south of Bakersfield. On the parenting side, two loving boys to
show for my life's journey, to date (8 and 3), and on the career
side, have even found my way into print as a children's book author
-- the "Danger Boy" series, for middle grade readers.
It's a time travel series, partially set (of course) in the Bay
Area... a switch of publishers has delayed the third installment,
which will actually give me time to write it! I still get back
to Berkeley once or twice a year, and am still in touch with dear
pals that go back all the way to Cragmont! I, too, ask for copious
picture taking and posting, so I can virtually attend the 25th.
Had a gas (can we still talk like that?) at the 10th & 20th...may
the wind (coming off the Bay?) be ever at your collective backs,
etc. Hollers, Mark Williams
Mark Williams <scribe@dangerboy.com>
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Studio City, Catherine USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 16:35:55
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HAYWARD, CA USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 15:45:13 (EDT)
Hi All! I can't believe I'm not making it to the reunion. We
are out of town. (Erin, your posting prompted me to write.) I,
too, keep my radio locked to 98.1! My husband has tried to convince
me that good songs have been written in the last 25 years, but
I know better!! Anyway, I live the typical suburban life. I've
been married for 16 years and we have 3 beautiful boys, ages 12,
10 and 8. They keep us busy and we have lots of fun! I help run
a family foundation in Walnut Creek which is very fulfilling work.
I'm still in touch with Terri Verhoeff (who is living in Fullerton
with two children) and Dominique Schurman and Susan Yamagata (both
class of 1978). They are in Danville. Anyway, as I said, I'm sorry
to miss the reunion and send a huge "thanks" to the
reunion committee for all their hard work. Have a great time and
I look foward to reading "post-reunion" comments.
Susan Hutchins (Haley) <susan@lesherfdn.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Orinda, CA USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 13:58:58 (EDT)
I can not believe it has been 25 long years, it would be nice
to see some of my potna's Shooty, Marcus, Terrace, Derren Horn
and Mr. Wei Huey my Karate potna, hey Wei remeber the demo team
we were on? with Anthony R. Warren Hill, little Julius and Reggie,
it started at west campus, hey Wei I hope you remeber me
kyndall mccoy
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berkeley, ca USA - Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 01:47:55 (EDT)
I can not believe it has been 25 long years, it would be nice
to see my old classmates again .
Kyndall Mccoy
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USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 02:08:11 (EDT)
I wanted to wish everyone luck at the reunion! I have switched
jobs (Special Educator/Community-Based Learning Coordinator at
Stowe High School) and have a mandatory training that ends on
Friday afternoon. The 20th was the greatest, I'm sure this will
rock, and I look forward to the 30th! A special thanks to all
of the hard work involved in making this site and the reuinion
spirit stay alive. Hoist a frosty malted beverage for me...
stacystarkweather <stacystarkweather@hotmail.com>
Wolcott, VT USA - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 21:17:05 (EDT)
James has an out of date email address for me on the guestbook
and I forgot my password I can't get my password because it's
(duh!) emailed to me...so here's the correct one. Wowwhatarunonsentence,huh?
No, I'm not an English teacher, but I play one on tv. No wait,
that's not tv, that's my life. :) I'm out here in the sweltering
valley trying to become a park ranger. Quite a grand thing, hope
I make it. If I get out to Berkeley this weekend it'll be to the
picnic at Lake Anza...hope I recognize someone. *muah!*
Kjer LaForce <kjdancer@ivwnet.com>
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Citrus Heights, Ca USA - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 17:52:54
Greetings to all. I'm so sorry that I
cannot make the 25th reunion, but I've signed up for my sweatshirt.
(I was going to bring my son, Rodney, as my escort.) My schedule
has changed and I must be out of town this weekend, so have a
drink for me. I guess that I'll see you at the 30th. And, I look
forward to seeing all the photos!
Liz Abuan Pollack <liz@tfs.com>
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Berkeley, CA USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 20:22:21 (EDT)
Dear Friends and Classmates: I won't be able to attend the
25th Reunion because it's my 5th wedding anniversary and my wife
and I have had long-standing plans. I had such a kick at the 10th
Reunion, mostly seeing what an interesting group of adults we
have become. I took growing up in Berkeley for granted: diversity,
creative thinking, progressive values, women's rights, caring
about ideas, issues and the arts. Wrongo!! These are rare and
precious commodities in the rest of the world. So. A brief update
on my life. I've been doing environmental work for my career,
and am now at the California Energy Commission serving the public's
interest. Got a Public Policy degree from Cal along the way. Traveled
extensively through Europe, Alaska and South Pacific, and lived
in Europe for several years. Love the wilderness. Used to play
guitar and bass. Happily married to a New Englander, although
no kids yet. Lost my mother and brother recently. At the Reunion,
I'd seek out the folks from the Jacket, Yearbook, sports teams
(swimming, water polo and crew), and my old neighborhood haunts
to see how everyone is and what they have done with their lives.
Take lots of pictures - and label them! Be sure to play lots of
Earth Wind and Fire and Tower of Power. Best Regards to all. I
hope to make the next one - Jim
Jim McKinney <jmckinne@energy.state.ca.us>
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Sacramento, CA USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 17:16:11 (EDT)
There is less than a week to go before the Class of 77 25th
reunion and we wanted to make one last effort to contact you and
encourage you to come! If you have already sent in your money,
THANK YOU! If not, and you are definately coming to the reunion,
then please send an email to class77\@jreeves.com (or contact
Michelle Coleman directly) indicating:
1) How many are attending,
2) What dinner selection(s) you want (beef, chicken, vegetarian)
3) How many are attending the Sunday Picnic (free)
This will really help us, so please respond if you can. If you
have already sent in your money and selections, you don't need
to do anything, just show up! There will be no tickets mailed,
just register at the door. The BHS website has a list of people
who are planning to be there so please check it out and see which
of your old friends are attending! (Not a complete list) The reunion
is at Hs Lordships in Berkeley, this Friday, August 16th, at 6:30PM.
You can find all the details at the BHS website: http://www.jreeves.com/bhs/
Don't miss it!
James Reeves <BHS_1977@jreeves.com>
Poipu Beach, HI USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 12:26:02 (EDT)
I can't believe it's been 25 years already. We still look good
and feel like the same kids back in 1977. I'm bringing my sister,
Pat (class 1978) with me to this reunion, since she was my shadow
back in high school, we should really have a BLAST! I look forward
to seeing everyone!
Marion Mitchell-Carter <MariConRon@aol.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Hayward, CA USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 11:21:28 (EDT)
I'll see everyone this Friday. All I EVER have to do is put
on Kiss FM 98.1 and I have all of you packed into my car with
me, dancing. So I look forward to the dance, to the hugs, to seeing
everyone older, wiser, more humble, but still spirited.
Erin Donahue <erindonahu@aol.com>
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Oakland, CA USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 19:25:24 (EDT)
Sarah Kenyon Naumann <rjnaumann@earthlink.net>
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El Cerrito, Ca USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 15:58:51 (EDT)
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USA - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 13:04:39 (EDT)
I hate to write this because I really wanted to come. Were
moving to Oahu Hawaii. The kids start school Aug 14th. My son
Sean is going into 9th grade. I rember west campus.He also is
becoming an Eagle scout. I am very proud of him. My daugter Natasha
is going into 7th grade. Boy I rember that fist day at King! So
thing of all of us how could not make it when your dancing to
"Brick House". And if anyone is coming to Oahu, lets
go surfing! Special hi to Warren, Garick, Barry, Steve,Mindy,Erin,Cookie,Tracy,Hans,Jack,Doug,
George Tsaconas <george@tsaconas.tahoe.nv.us>
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Crystal Bay, NV USA - Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 11:53:05 (EDT)
Nice Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boris <boriskta@sicom.com.tk>
Located us through
- Monday, July 29, 2002 at 08:04:19 (EDT)
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OAKLAND, CA USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 10:19:43 (EDT)
whoops! wrong email
Karen Schooley <schooleyk001@hawaii.rr.com
Honolulu, HI USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 18:35:40 (EDT)
Julie Sherman <julie@chpscc.org
or julieswan@aol.com >
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Berkeley, CA USA - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 22:30:26 (EDT)
Surfs Up!
Richard Wallace
Antioch, CA USA - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 16:03:55 (EDT)
When I think about the 25 years that have passed; I feel like
I have lived many different lives. I have thought about the people
that I grew up with- I have wondered where their lives have taken
them. John Muir, "Lincoln", Willard, West Campus, and
BHS. Cecily (Batey) Caceu lives in Portland; we are still good
friends after all of those years. I am a Pastry Chef in Honolulu-
I spent a lot of time in many restaurants and hotels in CA, HI
(and in Belgium and France). I have always ended back in Hawaii-
this time to stay, I am tired of moving. 17 years here (total),
I really love Hawaii. I don't get back to Berkeley very often.
My parents moved to Mendocino when they retired. I do miss the
Berkeley Bowl! Have a great reunion, if you are ever in Honolulu-
say "Hi".
Karen Schooley <schooley001k@hawaii.rr.com
Honolulu, USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 22:50:27 (EDT)
Karen Schooley <schooleyk001@hawaii.rr.com
Honolulu, USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 22:17:42 (EDT)
Hello to one and all! Memories of BHS: Bruce Lee and the Kung
Fu craze; Disco; the sweet lyrics of Earth, Wind & Fire; sunny
daze sitting in front of the school people-watching; trying to
fit in; trying not to fit in; studying?; long hair; too much introspection;
last but not least, friendships. Sometimes I wake up and I feel
like that kid in high school again....however, as the years roll
by, these feelings arise less frequently. After graduation, I
really thought I was going to take the "road less traveled"
but as fate would have it, my life has been conventional: graduated
from UC Berkeley, earned an MBA, happily married for 16 years,
2 kids, a boy and girl, a dog....and so on. Life has been good.
I hope that your "road" has lead you to a good one as
well. I have not kept in touch with anyone from my class but I
have run into a few people now and then. I might be away on business
during the reunion but if not, I will try to attend. I am not
sure anyone will remember me but I do recognize some of the names
here - Zerda Paige, Mindy Scharlin, Matt Watson, Michael Poe,
Connie Lim, Larry Becker, William Kumai. Take care....Peace & Joy
Wei Huey
Wei Huey
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PIEDMONT, Ca USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 15:37:10 (EDT)
This will be the first BHS reunion that I have attended I moved
around so much in the past I mised all the past reunions This
will be a lot of fun for me I recognize some of the names on the
guest list. This will be a big blast from the past for me .
Kenneth L Sikora <alefyt01@earthlink.net>
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Bethel Island , Ca USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 03:09:28 (EDT)
I have been teaching English in Japan since 1991--which makes
it a bit difficult to attend reunions! I hope to be in Berkeley
about the time of the reunion this time, however. Wherever I go,
I always say, you can't beat the weather in Berkeley! Out where
I am, near Nagoya in central Japan, the summers are hot and humid,
often having the highest temperature in Japan, including Okinawa.
I teach at a junior college; it's like being in high school every
William Kumai <wnkumai@yahoo.com>
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Nagoya, Japan - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 19:37:02 (EDT)
Wait'll you get a load of me! Ta-ha-ha-ha! :-)
Darren A. Horn <horndarren@hotmail.com>
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USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 22:11:46 (EDT)
I hope to make the 25th reunion. I can't believe that so many
years have gone by. I've been married for 23 years and have 5
children--(3 birth, 1 adopted and 1 guardianship). My husband
and I were foster parents for several years and at one time had
10 children. We have been very blessed. Our children have made
us very proud. Our oldest son, age 21, is serving a mission for
our church; our oldest daughter, almost 20, is attending college
at BYU; our son that we will be adopting very soon, almost 18,
will be attending college in the fall at BYU-Idaho; our second
daughter, age 17, will be a Senior in high school this fall, and
our "baby" is 10 and begins 5th grade. Even though I
graduated in January 1977 and didn't attend the graduation ceremony
due to my school schedule, I remember a great many of my high
school friends. Berkeley is the city of my birth, childhood and
early adulthood. It will always be home. I don't visit that often
anymore as both of my parents have now passed away and the Berkeley
home was sold. The high school has changed so much and definitely
doesn't look the way it was when we were all there. Although we
are all older now, nothing can take away the memories that we
have of the "good old days" at Berkeley High School.
I hope to make it to the reunion and see many of your faces-even
though the old memory might make it a little difficult to recognize
everyone. Take Care! PS Thank J Reeves for putting together the
webpage and keeping everyone updated. Just to let you know, please
correct the spelling of my maiden name--SEEGMILLER not SEGMILLER.
I would appreciate it.
Kendra Seegmiller Jensen
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Elk Grove, CA USA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 16:50:25 (EDT)
Wow, what a blast from the past! I regret missing the 20th
and hope to make the 25th. Time at BHS are so long ago but ever
memorable. Hope to reconnect with many of you soon. Emails welcome.
Jim McMillan (the other one)
Jim McMillan <jm1277@aol.com>
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Boulder, CO USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 15:15:24 (EDT)
Hi all you old people. I hope your lives have been blessed
with sunny days and falling leaves, a warm heart and the understanding
of love and our heavenly Father.
Danny Blackman <HSL749@aol.com>
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Berkeley, CA USA - Friday, June 28, 2002 at 23:32:11 (EDT)
The website is fantastic. The reunion sounds very tempting.
The names are very familiar. It was an exceptional time when we
were at BHS (and elementary school, and JHS)and not everybody
in the world shares those values that were instilled in us. In
some ways, I think all the work I do is to recreate some of the
feelings of the communities I experienced at that time. Living
happily ever after for the most part in Brooklyn married to the
guy who played tenor sax next to me in the BHS jazz band (Tony
Jones), have a wonderful 10-yr old son and 19-yr-old stepdaughter
(BHS alum). Maybe I will make the reunion, but I'm supposed to
be working at Cazadero Music Camp that week (for like, the 20-somethingeth
yr). If we dont catch you then, our band is playing at Yoshi's
in Oakland on August 26th. Come by and say hi. Thanks for all
your work on the site, and everyone's honesty and shout outs.
jessica (fuchs) jones
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Brooklyn, NY USA - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 23:53:26 (EDT)
25 years after graduating from High School finally graduated
with an A.A.S. in Accounting from our local community college
here on Kauai where I have been living for the past 21 years!
Divorced with a 6 yr. old girl and a plant nursery business. Definately
plan on coming to the 25th. Had a great time at the 20th. I got
in touch with Michelle Myles who made it to the 10th but not the
20th and she will be at the 25th. So will Gordon Bishop. Can't
wait to be hangin' in good ole (tho' changed I'm sure) Berkeley
for a few days and reconnecting with people. Ready to dance, hope
its not the same D.J. as last time, the guy didn't even have any
Heidi Scholl (Farwell) <scholl@aloha.net>
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Kilauea, HI USA - Monday, June 24, 2002 at 03:58:43 (EDT)
Married, kids, . . . yada . . . yada.
Brandon Baum <jaegerlc@ix.netcom.com>
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Palo Alto, CA USA - Monday, June 24, 2002 at 00:15:00 (EDT)
I walked in 77 but was actually in the class of 78. I graduated
from USF, spent 20 years at Pacific Bell, and I'm currently in
the bayarea with my 19 year old son selling real estate. Hope
to see you at the reunion..God willing. Hello to the twins Adrianne
and Andrea Shaw-Brown. And my homegirl Julie Shields--call me
Terri E. (Harris) Ingram <realtei@prodigy.net>
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Oakland, CA USA - Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 20:29:04 (EDT)
Hello to Berkeley High School Class of 1977! Wow! 25 years.
Imagine that! Well, I'm contemplating if I'll attend the reunion
this year, however, my twin(Andrea)will take my place and be there
for me in spirit! That is a good thing! I bet you wish you had
a twin huh. Anyway, by the grace of God I hope to commeorate this
special event. As a matter of fact I'll will be in the Bay Area
in the beginning of August, and the reunion takes place 10 days
after I had just left there. So to come there twice would be so
idea! My twin says "Oh just put it on a credit card Adrianne"
.....We'll see! I do want to join everyone. As the old saying
my hopes up. In the mean time God Bless you all, do keep in touch.
And I'll type 2 U later. Smiles from miles away! Love Adrianne
Adrianne "Shaw" Brown <Greedytwin2@msn.com>
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Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 13:05:10 (EDT)
USA - Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 12:52:14 (EDT)
Oh my goodness, Berkeley High Class Reunion of 1977, I didn't
make the 1st one, But God willing I will be at this one. I will
represent two, because my twin Adrianne,lives out of state,and
won't be able to attend. We are all doing well Praise God, from
whom all blessing's flow. I'm really excited about this. It was
great seeing and remembering a few names from class '77"
please keep me posted and in touch.
Located us through a friend
BERKELEY, CA USA - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 22:57:31 (EDT)
If I seem to ramble here I apoligize. I stumbled on this web
site by accident. I would love to here from people from bhs. I
was poking around the net &
stumbled on site. I saw in the sf chron that Nancy Carlin was
Titania in Shakespere's A Midsummer Nites Dream. I saw on classmates
site that rufus t firefly is still alive. I wonder if anybody
got the joke. I don't have an e-mail address & am using my wife's
address. Nice to know people are out there. Ian Narita
Ian G.Narita <roianne3@hotmail.com>
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grovetown, ga USA - Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 01:58:41 (EDT)
Ian G.Narita
USA - Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 01:51:44 (EDT)
I forgot! Yes, Kim [Burgess-Duckett]. I do remember the wall,
the track, and the gym (gymnastics). We had good times. Renita,
Annette, and I talk about them all the time. Big shout outs to
people that I haven't heard from in years: Manjit, Storrie, Aleso,
Yvonne Hester (has anyone seen her?), Mary Conyers, Rhonda Aubrey,
Lynda Fenton-Foster, and James Foster
Zerda Paige-Dargan <czdargan@msn.com>
Jacksonville, AR USA - Friday, June 14, 2002 at 02:58:11 (EDT)
Jim, great job maintaining the website. To all of you, it was
nice to find some friends that I had often thought about and some
that I had forgotten. Committee members have kept me up on previous
reunion activities while I was out of the country. It's great
that all of you work so hard to keep the reunions alive. I returned
to the United States in 1999 after having lived in Japan off and
on for about 10 years. I dated my husband, Neal for 6 years before
we were married; we've now been together 22 years. I have a daughter,
Jasmyn who is 6 1/2 months old and a son , Jordan, who is 2 1/2
years old. Wow, how long did that take? Days after Jasmyn's delivery
I had a significant stroke that left me with hemiparesis and caused
me to have a left craniotomy. For the past six months I have been
in physical and occupational therapy. We are praying for a full
recovery. I do alot of reading and writing these days, so please
correspond with me when you have a moment. While I was in Asia,
I taught English, was a research assistant in Government Relations
for United States Forces, Japan and a myriad of other positions.
Just before I became ill, I was working as a medical financial
management specialist. I really do regret having missed the reunions
when I was physically able to travel. Mary (C), my dear, please
shore up your courage and attend one. Peace and Love, My Sister.
P. S. Email me off line
Zerda Paige-Dargan <czdargan@msn.com>
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Jacksonville, AR USA - Friday, June 14, 2002 at 02:27:32 (EDT)
James, Add to Committee, Lynda Fenton-Foster, Manjit Birdi-Plahey,
and Sobra Jones. Thanks, Connie
CONNIE LIM <eaglelim@earthlink.net>
Oakland, CA USA - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 10:56:16 (EDT)
Great site James, thanks so much for the hard work! I am sure
that many of my classmates have grown children, but I am proud
to announce that I just had a son three weeks ago!! With my daughter
who is turning three in July, that makes me one very tired but
HAPPY lady. I am moving to Palo Alto in August 2002 for my husband's
one-year sabbatical. So I will DEFINITELY make the 25th reunion!
I was a molecular biologist until 8 years ago, then got hired
by a patent law firm and they sent me to evening law school while
I worked by day. NOW I'm a biotech patent attorney. Funny where
the road leads. My husband is also a molecular biologist who teaches
and does research. Can't wait to see my dear friends from BHS!
Barbara Ruskin <baruskin@aol.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
New York, NY USA - Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 11:54:38 (EDT)
God has truly been good to me. I have been so blessed, and
I owe it all to His awesome Grace. I look forward to attending
the 25th class reunion. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband,
and a daughter I never could have dreamed of. We live in San Diego,
but our plans are to return to Berkeley soon, if it's God's will.
My life has taken many turns, but now that I know it's not about
me, but about spreading the word of God and how he can bring you
from any situation. Thank you so much for having this web site,
and I pray that we can all get together, laugh, cry and share
what amazing things we have been through, and how through it all
God is the only reason that we have made it this far. When I reviewed
the list of people that are no longer with us, I can say, that
could have been me, so I must tell of His wonderful Love, Power,
and Grace that has watched over my life. God Bless you all, until
we meet again.
Loreau Ebron (Walker) <JEJLS@aol.com>
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San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 15:35:29 (EDT)
USA - Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 14:30:35 (EDT)
actually graduated class of '77, but I grew up with class of '76
and would like to relocate some of you. Please email.
Feliz Perocier Hill <imfeliz@hotmail.com>
Castro Valley, CA USA - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 12:34:38 (EDT)
Charles Bucher
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Seattle, WA USA - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 01:30:08 (EDT)
One more thing.....We lived across from the Strawberry Canyon
pool on university property. I heard this area was made into a
toxic waste dump. Is this true? It was such a beautiful place
to grow up. It was the poultry department when we were there.
Anyone know what this looks like now? Is the building at the bottom
of the hill still there? I know our house was torn down....a beautiful
old house.
Karen <wegrand@comcast,net>
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Soddy Daisy, Tn USA - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 22:11:54 (EDT)
I would have graduated from Berkeley High School if we hadn't
moved away just before 5th grade! I am wondering if any of you
knew Abby Bellah. She was my best friend in Elementary School.
I know she died in a car accident, but I would like to know more
about this and what she was like. My maiden name is Karen Len.
I have a twin by the name of Kathy. We also had a good friend
who's name is Phoebe. Anyone know of her? Thanks for any replies.
Karen <wegrand@comcast.net>
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Soddy Daisy, tn USA - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 22:07:27 (EDT)
Looking forward to seeing old friends and classmates, even
if it's only been 5 years since the last reunion. Willie is 6
years old. I'm still doing radio early Thursday mornings on KPFA
and Saturday afternoons on KALW. Still working at Cody's Books.
I'm at the "new" store on trendy Fourth Street, so I
suppose I'm moving up the world...talk you-all later, Kevin
Kevin Vance <kevin_vance@yahoo.com>
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Berkeley, CCA USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 21:40:04 (EDT)
I look forward to seeing familar faces and getting to know
you better
Annette Shurn (Allen) <lilbit4u20@aol.com>
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Berkeley, CA USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 20:02:20 (EDT)
This is great stuff! Keep it up.
Caitlin Survelle
Nashville, TN USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 13:39:32 (EDT)
I can't believe I finally found this site. It has been great
scrolling through the comments, recognizing familiar names, and
sharing in the events since June 1977. I've been living in DC
for 19 of the past 25 years, and don't get back to Berkeley all
that often. I'm making plans right now to be there for the 25th.
I look forward to the fun &
fellowship...Hope to see you there!
Michael Poe <poem@towers.com
OR mikepoe59@aol.com>
Located us through a search engine
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 14:27:42 (EDT)
It's nice to see the familiar names. I'm 3 months into a study
of rice farming systems in West Africa, and would like to make
it back for the reunion. Keep the faith.
Larry Becker <l.becker@cgiar.org>
Bouake, Ivory Coast - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 10:42:38 (EDT)
I'm looking on behalf of my husband, Mark Brazil, we will be
in Berkeley next week and would be interested to find a yearbook
of the class of 78. I'm Barbara Nudelholc Brazil
Mark Brazil <taquito@bluewin.ch>
Located us through an advertisement
Zurich, Zurich Switzerland - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 05:58:06
storrie Johnson (Kliot) <storrie@peerlesscoffee.com&g
Located us through a postcard in the mail
lafayette, ca USA - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 12:01:33 (EST)
storrie Johnson(Kliot)
USA - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 11:59:59 (EST)
I wandered in here after getting the card in the mail. What
a fantastic site, and it sure is nostalgic to read all the postings
from people. Great site James, old boy scout homeboy. I'm looking
forward to seeing everyone at Hs Lordships for the 25th. I'm living
in Berkeley, married, and working in high-tech for 20 years. My
best to all of you, we came up together. Anthony
Anthony Hill <a1hill@pacbell.net>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Berkeley, CA USA - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 12:46:58 (EST)
25 years later - what will all my stoner friends look like
a quarter of a century after Disco? Did we ever think we'd see
the day when we talked about interest rates instead of the weed
we bought at Kips? Yep, I've got to be there - 1977 here I come...
Brian Hardy <bhardy@sbcglobal.net>
Located us through a friend
Fairfax, CA USA - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 16:09:03 (EST)
I miss everbody in California!
Ger Demarest <gdemarest@kobtv.com>
Located us through a friend
Tijeras, NM USA - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 14:33:42 (EST)
I may actually try to attend for a change!
Marilyn Jacob <That40girl@aol.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 18:17:36 (EST)
Can't wait thanks for the card.
Paul Fielder <paul70ta@aol.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
USA - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 11:06:13 (EST)
I was just thinking last week that this would be the year for
our 25th, and low and behold I get a postcard in the mail!! Yea.
I can't wait. See you there!!!
James (Jim) McMillan <jmmcmillan@wwdb.org>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Pinole, CA USA - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 21:46:16 (EST)
Susan Hutchins Haley <susan@lesherfdn.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Orinda, CA USA - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 10:56:31 (EST)
Regina Gatison Gee <Babyeve2006@aol.com>
berkeley, ca USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 22:46:19 (EST)
Revina Gatison <Babyeve2006@aol.com>
Located us through a postcard in the mail
Berkeley, ca USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 22:44:47 (EST)
Located us through a postcard in the mail
OAKLAND, CA USA - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 22:11:08 (EST)
Located us through a postcard in the mail
EL SOBRANTE, CA USA - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 12:22:59 (EST)
I have not been to the website since the 20th reunion but now
have a smile on my face after reading through the guest book.
Eddie Farris told me about the upcoming 25th. I have a "what
a small world" story for those of you who went to Willard
Jr High. My wife, Marie Parket Watson, works as a counselor at
the High School where we live. This year one of the new teachers
who joined the staff at the High School was Jim MacLemore(sp?)
who taught at Willard when we went there. Of course Marie took
in the old yearbooks to kid Jim about the length of his hair back
in '72 but she tells me he looks like he has not aged in the 30
years since. Looking forward to the 25th.
Matt Watson <jmwatson@us.ibm.com>
Morgan Hill, CA USA - Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 15:33:50 (EST)
it's amazing what you find just surfing around.
none, none USA - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 19:15:57 (EST)
nice web site --- g/l with ur reunion ----- tom
tom cosgrove <n1paf@snet.net>
USA - Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 09:02:13 (EST)
Good graphics. Wish I did your work?
Catherine Lake
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 21:44:58 (EST)
Hi Y'all, Seems like we just had the 20th. I have to say the
20th was more fun than I expected and thepicnic the day after
was a lot of fun as well. We'll have to put this in the calendar
and see if it will fly. Ciao, Kent
Kent McCue <PhytomanCA@yahoo.com>
Located us through a friend
El Cerrito, CA USA - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 15:55:42
Looking forward to this event
Howard Sturdevant <ruasbizz@tpi.net>
Located us through an Email message
Concord, CA USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 21:10:08 (EST)
I'm looking forward to the reunion. Please keep me posted.
Renita Rhone-Williams <rdwilli8933@aol.com>
Located us through an Email message
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 17:19:25 (EST)
I had the best time at Berkeley High School. I'll never forget
it. ... Then again, I'll never remember it either ...
Jeff Silberman <jeff.silberman@att.net>
Located us through a friend
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 14:27:37
Hello all, I was so happy to come across
this site! I am class of '78. Living near Boston (5+ years) and
loving it here. Email welcome.
Alison Lara <design@allyoop.net>
Located us through a search engine
Boston, MA USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 12:59:20 (EST)
Tom Klatt <tklatt@uclink4.berkeley.edu
Located us through a friend
Berkeley, CA USA - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 02:04:07 (EST)
Jon Gerlach <j2gerlach@aol.com>
Located us through a friend
Portland, OR USA - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 21:16:56 (EST)
OOPS, Forgot to add, please leave info on "lost"
classmates in case the committee doesn't catch up with James.
Connie H Lim
USA - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 18:19:52 (EST)
25TH REUNION is happening!! August16th, Friday 2002 Hs Lordships
Restaurant, Berkeley Call (510)839-1019 or(510)568-4930 to help
on reunion committee
Connie H Lim
Oakland, CA USA - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 18:11:19 (EST)
Eric Walstedt <ericwal@mindspring.com>
Located us through a search engine
New York, NY USA - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 16:40:49 (EST)
1973-interested in a 30 year reunion in 2003.
claudea mann <claudeago@yahoo.com>
Located us through surfing the web
ventura, ca USA - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 14:53:54 (EST)
It's nice to see James and crew are still maintaining this
site. I had the time of my life at the 20th and am looking forward
to the 25th. I have changed careers and I am now teaching 8th
Grade Social Studies in a small rural town in Northern Vermont.
My lovely wife Leslie (also a teacher) and I live in a gorgeous
100 yr old schoolhouse on top of a mountain. I can see Mt Mansfield
(Stowe) from my window here. I was saddened to read of the losses
in our class and hope everyone is well. If you are ever in Vermont,
get in touch. See you all next year! Stacy Starkweather
Stacy Starkweather <stacystarkweather@hotmail.com
Located us through a search engine
Wolcott, VT USA - Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 09:22:37 (EST)
USA - Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 22:53:52 (EST)
Well a major screw up on the guestbook ... I hope I recovered
all the messages ... I know they are a bit out of order now .
oh well, back to my day job :-)
James Reeves <BHS_1977@jreeves.com>
USA - Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 22:53:18 (EST)
Great site. Thanks for setting it up!
Julian Henkin <julian@alum.calberkeley.org>
New York, NY USA - Saturday, June 02, 2001 at 11:02:20 (EDT)
Back to the Bay Area after way too many years to count. Working
for the alma mater -- UC -- I'd love to reconnect
with acquaintences from BHS.
Contacts warmly welcome.
Allison Rosenberg <allisonrosenberg@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Saturday, June 02, 2001 at 14:44:33 (EDT)
Hi all, what a blast! My oldest son just graduated from high school
5/01 and I still feel like a teenager. Does this
give you insight into how I've matured! God Bless y'all
Kim Burgess Duckett
Peachtree City, GA USA - Tuesday, June 05, 2001 at 09:38:25 (EDT)
I looked at the memorial page and realized the reason that I have
not stayed in touch, nor attended any reunions;
JoJo McKinney and Lynette Land. Twenty four years later, and I
still miss them. Please undertand that I love you
all and pray for you constantly. In Christ.
Mary Coneyrs <akilimc@AOL.COM>
Tiburon, CA USA - Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 13:06:08 (EDT)
Carolyn Dennis-Wey <dwey@seiu790.org>
Oakland, CA USA - Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 10:56:02 (EDT)
At James suggestion, I am leaving a message in hopes of locating
Julie Lind (sister of two Lind brothers). If you
know her could you please give her my email address or send me
hers? I would really like to contact her.
Karen Murray <tzangmo@hawaii.rr.com>
Aiea, Hi USA - Friday, July 27, 2001 at 06:27:26 (EDT)
Hello All, I did not graduate from Berkeley High, but I did
go to West Campus in my freshman year. When I ran across
this site, seeing all the names of people I had forgotten at
west campus was interesting. My high school Woodside, over
in Woodside California never had a reunion. Years ago
Kirsten Weisser told me Berkeley High never had a reunion,
its good to see you guys got it together. Great site.
BTW anyone ever hear what happend to Raldy Regalado?
David A. Harris <divadsirrah@yahoo.com>
Falls Church, VA USA - Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 23:06:45
To all my BHS classmates I'm sorry I missed the 20 year reunion,
But I'm looking foward to the 25th. This is a
great website. More later.
Gerald B. Chambers <Cruzerone@hotmail.com>
Oakland, CA USA - Saturday, September 08, 2001 at 00:47:20 (EDT)
Just surfed in. Looks great so far.
Joe Wallace <joegh@ertycom.com>
Newcastle, CA USA - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 22:41:20 (EST)
I kinda like it. Thanks!
Cherrie Nelson <cnelson12@aimultimedia.com>
Tacoma, WA USA - Friday, November 16, 2001 at 16:45:18 (EST)
Valerie Boatman - Drummond <valdru2000@aol.com>
Tracy, CA USA - Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 03:46:15 (EST)
I was doing a little nostalgia surfing and came across this site.
I'm actually class of '75 (or izzat '76 ? - the
exact details of my graduation are a bit hazy and I still have
the occasional dream that the police have come to my
door to arrest me because it's been discovered that I did not
complete my BHS P.E. requirement!! <g>). I see some
familiar names in here. I Hope you're all doing well and I'd love
to hear from any of you. We are the 'Jackets!
Jim Laner <jimbali@yahoo.com>
Oakland, CA USA - Monday, December 03, 2001 at 15:23:20 (EST)
I wonder if you could help me contact Susan Yamagata. I went to
Franklin Elementary with Susan in 1972 and then my
parents moved to southern California. In fact, I tend to assume
she wouldn't even remember me. But I'd like to touch
base with her after all these years if I could.
Tony Powell
Senior Developmental Editor
Aspen Law & Business
1185 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Tony Powell <powelton@attglobal.net>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 21:08:15 (EST)
Please check out the new Contact Information page that contains
all the email addresses and other information about the Class
of 77. If you can please take a moment to make sure your information
is correct it would be appreciated. If you don't find your name
in the list already, please add a new record. The records can
be password protected so that no one else can read your email,
address or phone numbers. To enable this you must set the password,
the default is no password. If you already have a record, the
system has pre-defined a password for you. Click on the "Forgot
password?" link and your password will be mailed to the last
email address I had on file for you.
James Reeves <jreeves@aimnet.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Friday, June 01, 2001 at 20:22:28 (EDT)
Candy Ross-Holloway <soh3neh3@earthlink.net>
PointRichmond, CA USA - Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 20:06:32 (EDT)
Valerie Boatman-Drummond <VALDRU2000@aol.com>
Located us through a search engine
Tracy, CA USA - Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 02:13:37 (EDT)
looking for jill heine
Located us through a search engine
USA - Friday, May 04, 2001 at 01:53:44 (EDT)
All, I've moved and have a new email address (pappas@lmi.net).
I still check this site periodically, so figured I should update
my info. Question: *is* anyone planning a 25th reunion? --Andrea
Andrea Pappas
Santa Clara, CA USA - Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 19:43:30 (EDT)
USA - Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 19:05:53 (EDT)
Hi James, drop me an e-mail about what you are up to. Lisa
Lisa Hill <lhill@unr.nevada.edu>
Located us through a search engine
Reno, NV USA - Monday, April 30, 2001 at 14:42:01 (EDT)
Located us through
- Monday, April 30, 2001 at 01:20:49 (EDT)
I have been a visitor to this web site before, I feel particularly
motivated to write you now from Hanoi. I recently took a job as
the Project Manager for the Center for Educational Exchange with
Vietnam. CEEVN is a not for profit organization whose mission
is to work with Vietnamese people to identify educational issues
and priorities, and develop academic programs and relationships
important to them and their institutions. I find this work particularly
gratifying because of what was happening in Vietnam while we were
school mates in Berkeley. Years and years later, there have been
significant changes in Vietnam and even though the memories of
the 70's are present, with courage and conviction, the country
is moving on and confidently taking its place on the world stage
- and it's great to be here to witness this. My time is Vietnam
is open - it could be anywhere from 7-12 months. I welcome the
chance to host anyone in Hanoi who may be passing through Asia.
Drop a line if you plan to be in the area or if you'd be interested
in sharing similar experiences you may have had. Best Wishes to
all, and I hope to see many of you next year, Eric Arndt
Eric Arndt <earndt@ceevn.org>
Located us through an Email message
Hanoi, Vietnam - Sunday, April 01, 2001 at 04:23:42 (EDT)
Just married first time :) , living in Kensington (Wow I thought
only rich people could live there!), working in the Silicon rat
race, and would love to hear from the people that remember me.
Sorry I missed the 20th, see you at the 25th if there is one
Larry Smith <larry@barbaricsolutions.com
Located us through surfing the web
Kensington, Ca USA - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 21:26:32 (EST)
Class of '79. Looking forward to hearing from some of my former
Steven Anderson <sanderson@fremontgroup.com&g
Located us through a search engine
Danville, CA USA - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 15:40:34 (EST)
I was having a melancholy flashback and decided to put my search
engine to work. 1977 seems so long ago. Actually, I graduated
in 1976 by virtue of my exile to East Campus and an accelerated
graduation (I still chuckle at my 10 credits to stop smoking),
but I was originally a 1977 student before my favorate counselor
Irene Obera dropped the boom on me for excessive truancy. Life's
had its ups and downs but nowadays I'm fat and happy in Marin,
growing old like the rest of you, but trying to stay young at
heart. After BHS I worked as a disc jockey for a couple years
in Monterey, then went back East for a spell and dug graves for
a living, before finally coming home and falling into technology
like everyone else. Today I'm a Systems Engineer and for whatever
reason tonight decided to take my foray into the past and pay
you a visit. I often think to myself that Berkeley in the 70's
was so totally unique that we were all lucky to live the times.
At any rate, thought I'd surface and say hello.
Brian Hardy <bhardy@west-marin.net>
Located us through surfing the web
Marin County, CA USA - Thursday, March 08, 2001 at 01:28:09 (EST)
Weel I am finally getting the BHS website back up after many
months/years of delays. I hope to have it all working again soon.
As you can see the guestbook is working again so please make a
comment to let me know that you are still out there.
James Reeves <jreeves@aimnet.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Sunday, February 25, 2001 at 16:07:06 (EST)
USA - Sunday, February 25, 2001 at 11:56:21 (EST)
wonderful class of 1967. We won so many awards and our sports
teams were the very best. I am glad that we were in a time where
we saw major changes in our society.
Johnnie Young <youngcmjj@aol.com>
Located us through a friend
Corona, CA USA - Friday, April 14, 2000 at 13:16:53 (PDT)
Here is my new email address if anybody wants to contact me
John Finger <jsfofec@home.com>
Located us through a search engine
USA - Sunday, February 27, 2000 at 08:27:48 (PST)
I was class of 80.. No idea if there will be a class reunion
in 2000.
Rob Leibowitz <theleibos@aol.com>
Located us through a search engine
Randolph, NJ USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 17:34:29 (PST)
My favorite classes of students when I taught Criminal Law
were from the years l974 to l977. So I would enjoy hearing from
past students and joining future reunions. I'm also in the local
phone book in case anybody wants to call.
David Eichorn <larkhorn@msn.com>
Located us through a friend
Kensington , Ca USA - Saturday, February 05, 2000 at 13:31:43
I found this site. I missed the 20 year
reunion. I have also found an old freind and, have had a "reunion"
beer & pizza night near the BHS campus. Looking forward to the
25th reunion.
Howard Sturdevant <ruasbizz@tpi.net>
Located us through surfing the web
Concord, CA USA - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 09:28:10 (PST)
There will be a Memorial Service for Mr. Nash San Martin on
January 22, 2000 from 11:30 - 12:30pm at the Julia Morgan Theatre
on College Avenue. For those of you who are interested......
Mindy Scharlin
San Francisco, Ca USA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 10:31:55
HAPPY NEW YEAR: I would love to hear from
you. aka Dizzy Lizzy
Elizabeth King <lizontheweb@hotmail.com>
Located us through a search engine
Pioneer, CA USA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 23:39:24 (PST)
I thought some of you may want to know that Mr. Nash San Martin,
Math teacher and father of Karen San Martin, class of '77, died
two days ago. There will be a memorial service for him in Berkeley,
but I do not the date yet. Please send your thoughts and prayers
to his family.
Mindy Scharlin
San Franciso, CA USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 12:30:04
James, I want to thank you for maintaining
this site. I visit it from time to time to see if anyone else
has left a message-- also to see if anyone has heard from Wendy
Devendorf (someone I really lost track of). I never wrote after
the reunion, but want to encourage those of you that missed it
to really try to make the next reunion. I decided to attend our
20th reunion late, and I had a great time. The room was packed.
I was especially glad to see those old friends who I wasn't expecting
to see-- those who changed their mind at the last minute and came.
I'm sorry that I missed the picnic. Next time. Thank you, Reunion
Committee, for putting together such a great function. Happy New
Year Everyone.
Liz Abuan Pollack <liz@tfs.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Wednesday, January 05, 2000 at 17:02:24 (PST)
Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found
at Matt's Script Archive